Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fatal Attraction

My husband recently reported to me a conversation he had with a co-worker.  That co-worker knew I was sick, and was concerned.  My husband told him that I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  The co-worker remarked that "It's not fatal or anything."  Now, I have no issue whatsoever that my hubby is telling folks.  It's his story too.

I do take issue with the thought that this is not fatal.  According to my reading twenty percent of folks with bipolar disorder commit suicide.  That's right.  One in five.  And that's not including all those poor folks who weren't ever diagnosed but still felt the pain.

To give you some perspective, this is a worse rate than the ten or twenty year survival rates from prostate, thyroid, testis, uterine cancers, as well as melanomas.  To give you more perspective, the five year breast cancer survival rate is eighty six percent.  

Another statistic - people with bipolar disorder more frequently attempt to commit suicide and more frequently are successful at it.  We are better at it than others.  No joke.

And I can tell you why.  It is mighty seductive.  It's like some diaphanous Shakespearean creature from a Midsummer Nights Dream.  Beckoning.  All your troubles could be over.  All your pain will end.

Damn right this thing can be fatal.

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