Saturday, February 23, 2008

Weathering the Storm

Well, my friends, I've been away for a while.  Trying to "fake it until I make it."  In other words, trying to pretend I'm normal.  Didn't work.

Anyway . . .

In my last post, I reported that I was starting to level out.  While I was away, my mood continued to sort of stabilize, or as my pdoc said, the drugs are starting to dampen my cycling. Think of it this way:  I'm a boat in a storm.  The storm is wild, waves crashing all over the place. Now after the drugs, the waves are smaller and predictable so you know when to put on your life vest (ok, really you'd keep it on all the time.) But it's still storming.  And my feet continue to stay wet.

Also as I mentioned in my last post, it has stabilized on the low side.  Not a good thing.  But, as we say around here, at camp, and everywhere else, "it is what it is."  

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