Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Who's driving this boat anyway?

I was talking to my therapist today (camp, alas, has ended.)  We were talking about how to balance being bipolar with life.  When do you say "I'm not going to let this illness run my life. (stomp, pout)."  And when do you say "I have an illness that needs me to make different choices than I might otherwise make. (sigh, look down to the ground.) "

Because I have bipolar disorder (so my doctors say.)  There is no cure for what I have.  Now that this has awakened in my brain, I'm stuck with it.  I wish it had stayed asleep, but we don't get to relive our past.  As much as we might like to.  

So we can only mold our future and try to learn from the past.  What did I learn?  Don't make hasty decisions.  Clearly communicate.  Don't make assumptions.

So how do I make decisions going forward?  What do I do now that I've quit my job?  What kind of trip should I take next week?  How am I going to structure my days without work? What should my relationships look like?

One good thing that has come out of this is a reinforcement of my spirituality.  This load is too heavy to carry alone.  But even if God is a co-pilot I still struggle with who is driving this boat - me or my bipolar bear.


Anonymous said...

I'm curious, what kind of camp did you visit? and what did you do there? (my e-mail is on my profile page.)
(my apologies if i missed this info in a previous post)

Calamity Chick said...

Camp - for those who are just catching up - is a partial hospitalization program. Lots of hospitals have them. They are for folks who need stability and structure and are very symptomatic. However, they are "safe" to go home at night. My program was from 9:30 - 3:30, Monday through Friday.