Saturday, February 9, 2008

Cycling, weight gain and other fun with bipolar disorder

I don't really know what to say.  I just knew it was time to write.  So this isn't a coherent one subject blog.  But that probably fits my current mental state anyway.

Let's see, what's been happening here?  Well, I had a really good stretch, and then crashed. Fetal position on the couch crashed (which is one step up from fetal position on the floor.)  My doctor says that's what happens with bipolar disorder.  You don't just wake up better, but as the medicines kick in your cycling should be more days in the up and the downs shouldn't be as bad.  Still working on that not as bad thing.  And whoopee!  Lots more cycling in my future.  My therapist said I'm getting good at containment.  That means people around you can't tell when you are in immense pain. It's a good skill if you want to work.

So, that will mean more tweaks with my meds.  Not a bad thing.  Other than the weight gain side effect of two of the drugs I'm taking.  Good thing I haven't had to wear my work clothes lately.  Sweats are us.  It's amazing, I'm eating less and gaining more.  Love those side effects.

Also, I'm back on the wagon of not being sick.  I think this is just a really really bad case of heartache.  Tragic love story, so to speak.  'Cause, as I've said time and time again, if I was sick, the medicine would make me better.  After seven months something should be working.

Speaking of working . . . well that's another blog for another time.

Over and out.

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