Saturday, February 2, 2008


I was reading some of my bipolar books yesterday - and I have quite a few - and something jumped out at me, even though I'd read it before.

Hopelessness, being needy and suicidal thoughts are all symptoms of bipolar disorder. Apparently our brains are so messed up that this becomes a norm.  Almost a common place thing.
Like ear pain when you have an ear infection, or shortness of breath when you have asthma.   When you have bipolar your symptoms are emotional, and thus impossible to differentiate from other emotions.  You actually have to learn whether it is the bipolar talking or you talking.  I know I've blogged a bit before about this - but it always strikes me as particularly cruel.

Meanwhile, I still am trying to continue to separate from my illness.  To see if getting up and going instead of giving in helps.  Sometimes it has, and sometimes it hasn't.  Because I still have symptoms of bipolar disorder.  

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