Sunday, January 13, 2008

The uneven. The unpredictable.

One of the killers of this disease (oh - do I see a theme in this blog?), is that you don't know from one moment to the next what's going to happen. You can't tell if it's going to be a day that you can make it through in public, or whether it is going to be a fetal position on the floor kind of day. Most days have some of both, but generally more down lately than up.

So, you have to make different choices. Can I go to a restaurant? A movie? Can I drive my daughter to her soccer game that is three hours away? (ok - answer on that one was no, but then again, her Dad didn't want to take her either. She carpooled.) Can I start playing WoW tonight? (Umm, tried that. Had a really hard time.)

What seem like logical, normal everyday things become complicated. You are literally trapped by it. Usually I'm pretty good about dragging my butt out of the house and trying to move faster than the disease.

But it always catches up to you in the end. At some point you wonder why you keep trying.

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